Saturday, September 17, 2011

Getting Sealed

Getting married the first time was awesome, but how many people get to commit to each other AGAIN in the presence of God? If you would have asked me three years ago when Josh and I began dating whether we would ever make it to the temple, I probably would have told you to take a hike. At the time, that just wasn't my thing. If you're unfamiliar with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and our temples, this is where the magic happens. I didn't realize until I actually went through the temple, but this is really what our entire religion is founded on. If you are a member and you never go through the temple, you are missing out on some serious joy! January 30, 2009 was the best day of my life at that time, but today if you were to ask what the best day of my life has been, I couldn't answer any other way but "April 28, 2011." Writing this five months later (wow, time flies!) and twenty pounds lighter, I still wouldn't change that day for a thing.

 It may have taken us three years to get there, but what's three years compared to an eternity? Our decision to get sealed gives me peace every single day that Joshua is gone, and I know it will continue to help me through all of life's struggles.


Melissa said...

Beautiful post about a beautiful thing! Love you two!

Unknown said...

I forgot to mention, but all of the photography here was done by Josh's cousin Jillian Butler, who does amazing photos and custom invitations in northern Utah.