Saturday, August 24, 2013

Fancy Meeting You Here

Oh, hey amigos. Not pregnant this month. Not broken this month either. It's funny how some months are so much harder than others. This month is easier, though I'm not sure why. This month is more about me kind of just loving life.

I'm loving the cool down Utah is currently experiencing, and I'm hopeful that autumn is just around the corner. So many things are about to change with my love returning to school and I'm actually feeling excited. More immediately, I'm about to have a lot of time on my hands while my honey goes on a motorcycle trip, and I'm looking forward for those stolen moments of my own. Is it bad that I love when he's gone so I can play? I'm setting up a job interview, a doctor's appointment, Bunko night, a camping trip, and a girls' day, all things that are so so good for my soul.

I've had double doses of friends and family this week, which makes my heart ache with happiness. I finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird for my first time today, and I am shocked I've never had the pleasure of such a wonderful read before. What a book! What great names and characters! What a great story! I loved it. I also had the privilege of playing with a young, orange, tiger-striped kitten today and petting every dog in our local animal shelter. I went to a football game and spent a few hours with my honey while he worked, and I gave him the okay to empty our bank account on BMW parts. Sigh. I love him anyway.

And now, I'm relaxing at home, picking apart the mascara in my eyelashes and listening to my dog chew her nails, so thankful for my crazy, unexpected, happy life. Sometimes it's okay to be content with the unexpected, and sometimes it's all right to be happy with how things are right now. Sometimes I'm guilty of looking forward to the future so much that I forget to embrace the present, and that's a shame because my life is really its own kind of wonderful. Happy Friday, friends.

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