Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Thoughts

Yesterday, I had a really great moment with my mother-in-law. It was around midnight, and we were watching the Bible series that's been on the History Channel lately. I'd missed most of the episode up until that point, but Christ was being crucified, so I sat down next to my teary-eyed MIL to watch. If you're familiar with the Bible or the story of the crucifixion, I'm sure you already know how it goes. But, in case you aren't familiar, Christ was dragged through the streets and ridiculed and mocked. He was given a crown of thorns and nailed to a cross, left for dead. And during His moments on the cross--during this time of horrific human brutality, He says: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). Of course, my MIL wasn't alone in her tears at this point. Only moments after, I had an epiphany when Jesus said His famous words: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" I was suddenly struck by how alone Christ felt during those moments--how deserted He felt. He felt completely alone in His sorrows.

Every month, in my own struggles, I feel alone too. Every month that I don't get pregnant, I wonder if I've been forgotten. Every month, I wonder why it's not my month. I have faith that I will get pregnant one day, but it's the not knowing that kills me every month. I feel completely alone--completely forgotten--when it doesn't happen.

That's my personal struggle right now. The thing is, I know that there are others who suffer from the same heartache every month. There are other couples out there who wonder if they've been forgotten. The truth is, we all feel like that sometimes. We all have our own individual struggles, and it can be very difficult, sometimes, to remember that we are not alone. But I think that it's imperative that we remember that there is someone who understands our struggles. There is another person who has felt our pain. We are not alone. Whatever you're going through, He's with you. He understands. And He knows what it's like to feel forgotten and alone. He understands the pain and sorrows that we go through. He gets it.

I am so grateful for Christ's sacrifice. I don't know what I would do if I felt completely alone in my struggles. I can't imagine life without His presence. 

That's really I want to say today. Happy Easter (yesterday).

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