Friday, May 3, 2013

Uncomfortable Truths

I'm so serious about blogging every day this month. So serious that I'm going to get ahead so that camping this weekend won't hinder my progress. I really don't want my motivation in writing to go away. Hopefully it won't. Anyway, today I'm going to talk about things that make me uncomfortable. Ready to be uncomfortable with me? I hope so!

Confrontation. Seriously. If I could go for the rest of my life without having to address any issues ever I totally would. I don't like to advocate for myself (at least, in person). Strangely, I don't mind advocating for others. I hate telling people they have done something wrong. My least favorite part of teaching was having to address issues with the kids. Seriously. I don't mind being bossy, but I hate confronting people.

Doing things alone. I think I have a little bit of an anxiety disorder. I would rather stay in my house for three days at a time than go out on my own, sometimes. At other times, it doesn't really bother me to go make my own adventures. It totally depends on my attitude and what I'm trying to do. No matter the situation, though, I would just usually rather go with a friend.

Meeting new people. I don't know what it is about meeting new people, but it's super hard for me. If I'm in a comfortable place and I'm only meeting one or two new people at a time, I'm totally fine. I prefer smaller groups when getting to know each other so that I can actually feel like I know and remember them. But it takes a LOT for me to go out by myself and be with a big group of strangers. Relief Society at church is still hard for me because I don't know many of the other ladies yet. Exercise groups are nearly impossible. And don't get me started on social events. It's just really hard for me.

Ignorant, self-righteous people. This is probably fairly common, but it makes me super uncomfortable to be around over-confident, ignorant, opinionated people. I'm kind of jealous of their blind confidence, but I'm not jealous of their lack of knowledge. This is especially true in politics. I completely believe in being educated on issues and sharing knowledge, but when the pieces being shared are obviously one-sided and unfair, what's the point in reading such an unbalanced story? If reporters only reported facts, I would be a much happier, better educated person.

Hm, are you seeing a theme here? Because I sure am! I am super uncomfortable in a variety of social situations. There are probably many other things that make me uncomfortable, but this post is plenty long and boring enough as it is. Let's just settle for the fact that there are many things that make me totally uncomfortable, but that's okay. Because life doesn't happen where you're comfortable. And that's the truth.

1 comment:

17 Perth said...

Hahaha. I can relate to this...confrontation? Yes. Uncomfortable. Self-righteous? Yes uncomfortable. Lol.